Women's self-employment and entrepreneurship are becoming more important worldwide by removing gender segregation and rising empowerment and income distributions of household in the society.
"E-Chance" is a pilot project that supports new entrepreneurs with a diversified spectrum. The main aims are:
- an activation of potential female founders with completed school education or professional education, who want to work in networks,
- the creation of cooperations - the founders shall have the possibility to work in already existing networks of mentors and the project partners or to initiate such networks and
- an exchange of information between the associated countries for strengthening regional economic structures.
The project consortium develops entrepreneurial training modules, enabling women to increase methodical and social competencies. Following the identification of needs of entrepreneurs, pilot courses were created to provide business advice and support for women setting up business, including business mentoring and entrepreneurial based business planning courses.
Paul HeldTel. +49 (0) 9131 85 61101
E-Mail schreiben
01.08.2013–31.07.2015Projekt abgeschlossen
- Süleyman Şah Üniversitesi (Türkei)
Beteiligte Institutionen
- Association M3- MCUBE (Frankreich)
- Süleyman Şah Üniversitesi (Türkei)
Kategorie: Allgemein
Schlagworte: Unternehmer/innen, Wirtschaft

Paul HeldTel. +49 (0) 9131 85 61101
E-Mail schreiben
01.08.2013–31.07.2015Projekt abgeschlossen