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SAGE – Student Advancement of Graduates Employability

The SAGE project analyses the effects of European higher education reforms on graduates' employability and gives students a voice in the decision-making process in policies that can affect it. Therefore SAGE will carry out various activities, for instance a review of current educational policies and the employability of graduates, an identification of links between educational policies and the employability of graduates, a collection of recommendations by stakeholders, and an analysis in countries concerning positive and negative results and the connection to policy processes. SAGE’s main outcomes are the research studies “Bologna with Students Eyes 2012”, “EU 2020 Student Review”, “Graduates Employability in Europe” which are to be followed up with a training program for student representatives and a handbook on graduates’ employability.

Förderer: Lifelong Learning Programme

Mitwirkende Institutionen:

  • The National Unions of Students in Europe (Belgium)(Coordination)
  • Executive Unit of the National Qualifications and Adult Training Council – EUNQATC (Romania)
  • Hallgatói Önkormányzatok Országos Konferenciája – HÖOK (Hungary)
  • Coordinadora de Representantes de Estudiantes de Universidades Públicas- CREUP (Spain)
  • Danske Studerendes Fællesråd – DSF (Denmark)
  • Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences – SAMOK (Finland)

Projektleitung: Dipl.-Psych. Eline Leen



Eline Leen-Thomele



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Eline Leen-Thomele



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