Ein neues, innovatives Projekt im Bereich des Ambient Assisted Living
Die Digitalisierung durchdringt als massiver Trend alle gesellschaftlichen Bereiche auf globaler Ebene. Für ältere Menschen ist es jedoch oft schwierig, mit neuen technologischen Entwicklungen Schritt zu halten. Das Projekt SmartyourHome will ältere Menschen befähigen, die Merkmale und Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung zu verstehen - am Beispiel von Smart Home-Konzepten. Diese sollen es ihnen ermöglichen, im eigenen Zuhause autonom zu bleiben. Das Projekt SmartyourHome hat zwei wesentliche Motivationen:- Ältere Menschen sind vom lebenslangen Lernen weitgehend ausgeschlossen, da ein spezifisches, seniorengerechtes Training nur, wenn überhaupt, in Ballungsräumen angeboten wird. Ältere Menschen leben jedoch überall.
- Smart Home-Technologien und -Dienstleistungen können für Senioren/innen von besonderem Nutzen sein, wenn sie zielgruppenorientiert eingesetzt werden.
English version
SmartyourHome has two strong motivations, related to seniors' needs: Seniors are mostly excluded from life long learning since specific training adapted to seniors is only provided, if ever, in agglomerations. But seniors live everywhere. An inclusive online learning approach is needed, which is applied in this project: everyone with access to the internet can benefit. Second: Smart home technologies and services can be of special benefit for seniors if deployed in a target group-oriented way. This project links both motivations: Reliable smart home competences are brought to the seniors’ reach. Objective is that seniors can benefit from smart home technologies for more comfortable, safer and healthier empowered living which allows them to stay longer at home, as most seniors wish. They should be enabled to understand basic smart home principles and to start first installations. 120 seniors with basic ICT skills will be directly involved in the project, as learners and as tele-tutors. The number being limited due to the very innovative and early adopters approach will not hinder large numbers of seniors to be inspired from the project and to go forward in the same direction. Targeted communication channels and strategies are therefore essential for SmartyourHome. Since publications are scarce in the field, a pre-study will be elaborated and published which makes existing knowledge, competences and preferences of seniors more transparent. Based on it, three online and blended learning modules will be developed on basic smart home principles and also hands-on guided by teletutors. All developments will get feedback from seniors. As a result, a tested, evaluated and adapted introduction into the extremely beneficial field of smart home for seniors will be available for free as open resource for all seniors at the end of the project. This will contribute to higher awareness of options and benefits related to affordable and accessible smart homes amongst seniors in general.Projektdetails
Anne-Marie LipphardtTel. +49 (0) 9131 85 61120
E-Mail schreiben
Roland Hallmeier
Tel. +49 (0) 9131 85 61113
E-Mail schreiben
Elena CoroianZur Projekt-Website
01.10.2018–31.03.2021Projekt abgeschlossen

Disclaimer of liability: this project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The authors are solely responsible for the content of this publication; the Commission is not responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
- Institut für Lern-Innovation (ILI) (Deutschland)
Beteiligte Institutionen
- Eurocrea Merchant (Italien)
- Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Nord-Est (Rumänien)
- Dublin City University (Irland)
- CETEM - Centro Tecnológico del Mueble y la Madera de la Región de Murcia (Spanien)
- Institut für Lern-Innovation (ILI) (Deutschland)
Kategorie: Erwachsenenbildung,
Schlagworte: IoT, Lebenslanges Lernen, Raspberry Pi, Smart Home

Anne-Marie LipphardtTel. +49 (0) 9131 85 61120
E-Mail schreiben
Roland Hallmeier
Tel. +49 (0) 9131 85 61113
E-Mail schreiben
Elena CoroianZur Projekt-Website
01.10.2018–31.03.2021Projekt abgeschlossen