Project Description
Online assessment within higher education is here to stay. For several decades now, digital transformation and internationalisation processes raised the need to rethink the ways in which assessment is conducted. Online assessment is a crucial element in those processes that has created many new possibilities to get grip on students’ learning progress or to measure students’ learning success. However, online formats are still often perceived as an inferior emergency solution compared to the conventional formats. Little policy, institutional and individual experience beyond concrete implementations and courses exist on how to conceptualize and implement assessments online. In addition, many instructors lack knowledge, relevant competences, and empirical values to design and implement online assessment scenarios successfully. Thus, to address this need, developing design features, providing materials, tools and support instruments, as well as offering pedagogical concepts for integrating online assessments into (international) teaching practice is essential.
Die Corona-Pandemie forciert zunehmend die Digitalisierung der Hochschulen - in der Lehre, aber auch bei der Bewertung studentischer Leistung.
Mit der Planung und Durchführung digitaler Prüfungen unter Covid-19-Bedingungen betreten Lehrende weitgehend unbekanntes Terrain. Das Projekt "Empower teachers for remote online assessments in higher education (Remote.EDU)" befasst sich mit dem aktuell aufkommenden Bedarf, Online-Assessments in der Hochschulbildung zu etablieren, zu fördern und zu unterstützen.
Unser Ansatz ist es, Lehrende bei der Gestaltung und Implementierung von Online-Assessments als Teil ihrer Kursentwicklung und Lehre zu unterstützen, mögliche technische Konzepte bereitzustellen sowie Online-Assessments und Digitalisierungsbestrebungen in der europäischen Hochschulbildung zu fördern. Ziel ist es, durch theoriebasiertes, praktisches Wissen und einer umfassenden Supportstruktur zur Weiterentwicklung der europäischen Hochschulgemeinschaft beizutragen.
Project Results
Report on Framework and Taxonomy Development
(Intellectual Output 1)
Evaluation Study of Stakeholder Perspectives
(Intellectual Output 2)
Supplementary material IO2: Questionnaires' templates
Guidance for Deciding and Implementing Online Assessment(s)
(Intellectual Output 3)
Needs for e-Assessment in Virtual Mobility
(Intellectual Output 4)
Materiales didácticos ES:
With the vast choice of available online assessment methods, it can be difficult to make a decision on which method is suitable for your pedagogical purpose and setting. Where to start first?
For this reason, the self-guidance tool will give you an initial guidance and inspiration for choosing best suited assessment methods for your pedagogical approach and setting. In total, the tool covers 13 online assessment methods, including less common methods such as simulation, case study and E-portfolio as well as possibilities for student empowerment (self- and peer-assessment).
The recommended assessment methods that result from answering the questions in the tool are described below the tool and a detailed overview of each online assessment methods is given (including suggestions for implementation and handling fraud, practice examples).
For a detailed overview of the different online assessment methods (incl. description, taxonomy levels and cohort size, suggestions for implementation and handling fraud, practice examples), download the following document:
Do you want to read more about the development process and get an explanation of all IO3 results? Check out IO3 Report
The self-guidance tool might have recommended online assessment method(s) with the option “remote/on-campus”. The decision of how you want to carry out the assessment depends on the different individual factors that you have been introduced to at the beginning of this module. For example, the juridical situation at your institution, technical possibilities of your institution and for the students, personnel resources and room facilities (e.g. the bigger the cohort size, the better infrastructure and resources are needed).
Additionally, students with special needs or international students might require different treatments. Lastly, you can also consider if students from your cohort are going on Erasmus+ exchange or any other mobility scheme and might be already abroad during the assessment.
Checklist for Implementation
To support the organisational and technical implementation of your selected online assessment method(s), one comprehensive Checklist has been developed that can be used as general guidance. The Checklist addresses overarching issues that may be considered before and during the implementation and differentiates between formative and summative online assessment (remote and/or on campus).
Checklist for Implementation: IO3_Remote.EDU-Implementation-Checklist (Docx)
The starting point for using this instrument is that you have chosen to design a virtual mobility course or activity and that the different virtual mobility formats are known. The guidance in assessment design in this instrument focuses only on online assessment for learner skills within the VM Competence Framework (Rajagopal & Firssova, 2020).
Virtual Mobility Assessment Methods
Open Online Course: Mastering Online Assessment? A practical guide for the first steps
Online assessment is a crucial element in digital transformation processes at higher education institutions within Europe. These processes have created many new possibilities to get grip on students’ learning progress or to measure students’ learning success. This online course aims at empowering and professionalising higher education instructors in designing and implementing online assessment practices and choosing online assessment methods and tools. In addition, this course will give insights into how to assess internationally online where you can benefit from focusing on specific learner skills in designing for an international context.
Target group: higher education instructors and other interested parties (e.g., from counselling, administration, students, or the interested public. Both beginners and people with prior experience with online assessment can benefit from the course content.
What is the course about?
The online course consists of four modules:
- Basics of assessment and assessment practices
- Online assessment and design choices
- Implementing an online assessment
- Assessing learner skills in an international environment (Virtual Mobility).
More specifically, the content covers:
- a general introduction to the basics of assessment and to the factors that influence the practice of online assessment
- an overview of various online assessment formats (incl. advantages and disadvantages)
- useful tips, expert interviews and practice examples for the technical, organisational and didactic implementation of online assessment (incl. ethical considerations, technical tools)
- a decision-making aid for choosing suitable online assessment formats (incl. a downloadable checklist for implementation)
- an introduction and guidance of assessing learner skills in the context of virtual mobility and internationality
Svenja BedenlierTel. +49 (0) 9131 8561106
E-Mail schreiben
Isabella Dobler
Tel. +49 (0) 9131 85 61115
E-Mail schreibenZur Projekt-Website
01.05.2021–30.04.2023Projekt abgeschlossen

Disclaimer of liability: this project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The authors are solely responsible for the content of this publication; the Commission is not responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
- Institut für Lern-Innovation (ILI) (Deutschland)
Beteiligte Institutionen
- Institut für Lern-Innovation (ILI) (Deutschland)

Svenja BedenlierTel. +49 (0) 9131 8561106
E-Mail schreiben
Isabella Dobler
Tel. +49 (0) 9131 85 61115
E-Mail schreibenZur Projekt-Website
01.05.2021–30.04.2023Projekt abgeschlossen