Development of digital competences is a core priority of school education (KMK 2016, DigComp 2.0, JIM 2016). At the same time, the
potential of ICT technology is not yet fully exploited (Schule Digital 2016). Less than half of teachers feel that they are self-sufficient
in using computers for more complex tasks (ICILS 2013). To take Germany as an example, 57,9% of teachers feel that they need
support when using computers in lessons and only 54,2% say that their schools have a sufficient ICT infrastructure (Schule Digital
2015: 17, 20).
For Sweden, at the same time, which approaches a ratio of 1:1 device per student, and provides wireless internet
access in schools, the rates of teachers' and students' digital confidence are significantly above European average (European
Schoolnet ICT in Education for Sweden 2012: 12-15).
These findings suggest a significant spread between European countries and a
correlation between the availability of well-integrated ICT infrastructure and digital competences of teachers and learners.
The consortium of partners in the project School 4.0 are strongly convinced that Europe needs open and innovative education to
strengthen digital competences of learners and to enable them to meet the challenges of the future. In the digital age schools must
respond to new challenges in constantly changing political, social and technological contexts. Along with reading, maths and
writing, digital competences become part of the canonical basic skills learners must acquire (Future of Learning 2011; KMK 2016,
DigComp 2.0 2016).
Target groups and needs
The target groups are:
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Projekt abgeschlossen
- teacher educators at all stages of teacher education
- policymakers on local, regional, state, national and European levels
- institutions in charge of teacher training curricula
- local authorities in charge of school ICT infrastructure
- school professionals: headmasters, school teachers, school ICT managers
Paul HeldTel. +49 (0) 9131 85 61101
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01.09.2017–31.08.2019Projekt abgeschlossen

Disclaimer of liability: this project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The authors are solely responsible for the content of this publication; the Commission is not responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
- Institut für Lern-Innovation (ILI) (Deutschland)
Beteiligte Institutionen
- GLA - Glasgow City Council Education Services (Vereinigtes Königreich)
- Stadt Nürnberg Bürgermeister Geschäftsbereich Schule und Sport (Deutschland)
- Bündnis für Bildung e.V. (Deutschland)
- Whitehill Secondary School Glasgow (Vereinigtes Königreich)
- Universität Innsbruck (Österreich)
- Johannes-Scharrer-Gymnasium Nürnberg (Deutschland)
- Franziskanergymnasium Hall (Österreich)
- BildungOnline - Verein zur operativen Umsetzung und Präsentation von schulbezogenen IT-Projekten (Österreich)
- Institut für Lern-Innovation (ILI) (Deutschland)
Kategorie: Lehrer/innenbildung
Schlagworte: ICT, Schule

Paul HeldTel. +49 (0) 9131 85 61101
E-Mail schreiben
01.09.2017–31.08.2019Projekt abgeschlossen